Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Learning the ropes on how to stand

Monday, June 29, 2009

It's Official

OK, it's now official that Magenta is mine and will be coming to Sheboygan in the next couple of weeks. I look forward to taking her to the beach and watching her chase the sea gulls.

Magenta tabled

Friday, June 26, 2009

Growing fast!

Leader of the Pack

Magenta is growing up fast, and her personality is showing through. She seems to be a take charge type of pup. If you notice her in the group shot she is sneaking up on the person taking the pictures, then crouches down in the grass ready to attack should the camera person get close enough. All her siblings seem to be watching to see what will happen. Actually this might be a good quality for a pup to have to learn water work and tracking.

I thought that we'd be moved to the farm by now so I can't imagine what will happen when she decides to charge around the house. This might be the time to start packing all the antique lamps away.

Anyway, she should be making the jaunt up here from VA in a couple of weeks. It will be interesting to meet her for the first time. I don't think she'll be too happy after a 14 hour car ride but we'll see..

Enjoy the pictures.


My search for a Newfoundland has been almost two years in the making. I owned one years ago and was smitten by his loveable temperament. We called him “Bear” from Big Bear Kennels, and he was truly a gentle Giant. Now that I’m retired I have decided to get another one.

Knowing that Newfs, as they are sometimes called, can have real health issues I wanted to make sure I got a puppy from a good healthy line where temperament and health were as important as confirmation (the way a dog lines up to its physical standard).

Margaret and I went to a Newf specialty show in Franklin, Wisconsin, and I was hooked! I was immediately attracted to a big ole loveable male I saw in the ring who not only won his class but went winners dog for a five point major. Margaret and I met the dog’s owner, Julie Siefert, and discovered this handsome male was from Whisperbay Kennels. We visited their home and saw a house full of Giants who were very friendly and well mannered… and all expecting treats—that’s normal for Newfs!

Well that seemed simple enough except they didn’t have any puppies and there was nothing on the horizon for a while. In the meantime we went to the Newf specialties in Warwick, Rhode Island, and Frankenmuth, Michigan. Both shows had over 500 Newfoundlands entered from around the world and the shows lasted all week. We found “Newf people” to be very friendly and caring about placing their dogs in good homes.

Waiting a while turned out to be 2 years but finally a litter of Whisperbay pups have been born and I’m told we’re first on the list for a show female. This is the first picture sent to me of one of the biggest girls in the litter at 5 weeks. It’s hard to believe that she’ll triple in size in the next 5 weeks.

I'll keep you posted on our Newf journey.